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Mar, 2024

Majors, Federals, Minors evaluations

The season is rapidly approaching, and we have evaluations coming up for our Majors, Federals and Minors levels March 9 with a makeup session March 11.


The main evaluations will be March 9 at Monona Grove High School, 4400 Monona Dr., Monona.


The times for each division are:


*Majors: 9-10 a.m.; check in runs 8:30-8:45 a.m.

*Federals: 10-11 a.m.; check in runs 9:30-9:45 a.m.

*Minors 11-12 p.m.; check in runs 10:30-10:45 a.m.


Please have your child at the high school before check in closes so we have time to get them a number they will wear on their shift as coaches watch them go through drills.


Parents are NOT allowed in the gym during evaluations. After you check in your child, please wait in the hallway outside. It is a safety precaution with baseballs flying around the room.


Makeup evaluations are March 11 at Cottage Grove School, 470 N. Main St., Cottage Grove.


The times for each division are:


*Majors 5:30-6:15 p.m.; check in runs 5-5:15 p.m.

*Federals 6:15-7 p.m.; check in runs 5:45-6 p.m.

*Minors 7-7:45 p.m.; check in runs 6:30-6:45 p.m. 


Again, parents are NOT allowed in the gym during evaluations for safety reasons. Please check in your child and then wait in the hallway outside.


We ask that your child attend the March 9 evaluations unless they have a conflict with March 11 as the makeup option. Every child who registered for Majors, Federals and Minors will be placed on a team. However, not participating in evaluations will impact when they can be drafted. This is a long-time Kennedy policy to help with the competitive balance of our teams by ensuring coaches see as many players as possible.


Kennedy rules allow players to try out for a higher age division.


For example:


*a child who is league age 10 and registered for Federals may try out for Majors.

*a child who is league age 8 and registered for Minors may try out for Federals.


To check your child’s league age, here is the Little League chart:


We have reached out to those who registered for Federals, Minors and BPM indicating at registration their child plans to try out for a higher division. If you haven’t heard from us and your child plans to try out for a higher division, please contact us by Tuesday March 5.


If your child is trying out for a higher division, they MUST attend evaluations for both the division they registered for and the division they want to play. For example, a 10-year-old trying out for Majors must attend the Federals evaluations and the Majors evaluations.

Players looking to play up MUST attend evaluations to be placed in the higher division.

For our 14U, 13U, BPM and T-ball divisions, we will form teams without evaluations.

For our softball divisions, we tentatively plan to have evaluations April 14 and will reach out a couple of weeks before that with final details.

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