Kennedy Little League strives to provide a safe environment for our players and their families. In order to promote appropriate sportsmanlike conduct among players, spectators and all participants at Kennedy Little League, the following is expected while participating in league related activities—while at our park or off-site:
- I will appreciate a good play no matter who makes it.
- I will promote good sportsmanship by directing comments and applause toward players in acknowledgement of good play and effort.
- I will show compassion for an injured player; will not heckle, jeer or distract players and won’t use profane and obnoxious language.
- I will respect the judgment of the coach, and will not criticize players or coaches for the loss of a game to other fans or to my player after the game.
- I will respect the umpire/league official in charge.
- I will act as an adult role model, avoiding inappropriate language and actions such as intimidation or violence that may be misinterpreted by youth as acceptable.
- I will not approach a coach, umpire or league official in anger; rather wait until I can hold a meaningful conversation without it being highly emotional or confrontational. This conversation should be held out of the presence of players, other parents and spectators.
- I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during the games and practices unless I am his or her coach.
The Code of Conduct Committee takes all grievances very seriously. If an act or incident occurs contrary to the intent or spirit of our Code of Conduct, AND a formal complaint is submitted to Kennedy, then a mandatory 2-game “suspension” will be put in place when warranted as determined by the Kennedy Code of Conduct Committee or Executive Board. The offending party will be asked to stay away from the Kennedy Field/team for two full games. This allows all parties the time and space to cool down and give the Committee time to investigate to the fullest possible extent of the incident that occurred and discuss consequences. During that cooling-off period, witnesses will be asked to contact the league official on duty immediately. League officials will determine what action is required. This could include asking witnesses to submit a brief, confidential statement to a review committee. The review committee may conduct its own finding of fact, and will target a decision within 72-hours for any corrective action or possible penalty against an offending party. The decision of the committee is final and cannot be appealed. Any information provided by witnesses or gathered by the committee is confidential. Corrective actions may include anything from a longer suspension period to removal of volunteer duties or expulsion from the park.
Kennedy Little League expects spectators and participants to use good judgment and act as positive role models for our youth.